Wednesday, January 26, 2011

A Collaborative Activity

In order to review the first 18 pesukim of Perek Zayin the fifth graders were divided into three groups.
The first group had to come up with 2 worksheets that focused on the shorashim (the roots) of some of the key words as well as the translations.

The second group came up with review questions about the content found in these pesukim while the third group focused on coming with worksheet to help us review the Rahis we learned as well as teaching the class a new Rashi.

Once they came up with a draft that was approved they had to type up their worksheets. Tomorrow we will work on these worksheets in class.
Each group had to brainstorm about what type of worksheet they wanted to do and assign different tasks to the members of the group.

They did a great job.

Here are some pictures for you all to enjoy

Kol Hakavod Kitah Hay !
Rabbi Greenblatt

Monday, January 24, 2011

Using Kidblog

Today we once again went to computer lab in order to blog. Today we blogged about the concept of Free Will which we have been discussing in Chumash class or about Gidon, the main character in Navi.
Below is a link to the blog post. I have created a guest username so that you can log in and see what we have been doing.

The username is parent99 and the password is parent1


Rabbi Greenblatt

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tu B’Shvat in the Fifth Grade

My elementary school memory of Tu B’Shvat is of eating dried out figs and dates and breaking my teeth on Carob (Buxcer in Yiddish). We have come a long way since when I was in elementary school. This week the class worked on and presented PowerPoint presentations. Most of the presentations were about the Shivat HaMinim but we had one on Trees and one on recycling. Everyone did a great job.

Today Mrs. Wittlin and Yocheved did a Tu B’Shvat Seder with the class. Each student participated and had a part to play in the Seder. Thank you to Mrs. Wittlin and Yocheved for putting this together.

As you can see we have come a long way from dried figs and carob

Tu B’Shvat Sameach

Friday, January 14, 2011

The week in Review

This week we finished Perek Vav in both Chumash and in Navi.
We are about to start learning about the 10 plagues in Chumash.

This week we spent some time in the computer lab working on our Tu B'Shvat PowerPoint presentations, as well as posting to our Fifth grade blog on
The topics for our blog posts this week were:
1. My Experience in Skyping with another School about Chanukah
2. If I were Gideon what sign would I ask for from Hashem

We also practiced for our presentation at the Kollel Community Wide Tu B'Shvat Program on Tuesday at 5:30

Have a Great Shabbos

Rabbi Greenblatt

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Class Update

I hope you all enjoyed the unexpected long weekend.

Today we finished Perek Vav in Chumash by comparing the last few pesukim with earlier pesukim in the Perek.We raised the question in class, why does the Torah repeat what it said earlier at the end of the perek? We learned that this question was also asked by Rashi and we learned Rashi's answer. However we all had a question on Rashi which we need to do some more research on. Stay tuned to see if we can find an answer to our question on Rashi.

We also started a Tu B'Shvat PowerPoint that we will be working on in school.

I have blogged about our Skye experience but I asked the students today on to blog about the experience from their point of view.

Have a great day!

Rabbi Greenblatt

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Family Tree

The next set of pesukim are all names. Rather than covering the pesukim in class, the students will be making up family trees and answering some basic questions. The project is due Monday.

Here is a copy of the handout the students got today in class.

Family Tree Project

I -Make a Family Tree for שבט ראובן, שמעון and לוי based on פסוקים יד-כח in פרק ו

II- Based on the family trees answer the following questions:

מי היה הסבא של משה?__________________________

מה היתה השם של האשה של אהרון? __________________

של אהרון ?________________(brother-in-law)מי היה הגיס

מי היה הנכד של אהרון? __________________________

What is the relationship between יוכבד and עמרם ? _______

This project is Due Monday January 10, 2010

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wordle? What’s a Wordle?

Wordle is a program that gives a visual presentation of a text giving importance to the words used most often in the text. Below is an example of a wordle we did today for the beginning of parshat Va’ereh.

Based on this wordle the students were asked the following two questions:
1. What do you think the key words are?
2. What do you think is the main idea of these pesukim?

The main goal of this assignment was to have the students think and come up with their own answers. Before vacation I attended a webinar given by Chris Lehman a Principal of a very progressive school in New England,said that one of the most important questions we need to be asking our students today is, “what do you think?”

I hope you all had an enjoyable break and now we are all ready to learn.