Today as a culminating project/ assessment for Perek Daled in Chumash, each student will need to make up their own game. Below you will find a copy of the letter that I gave out today in class.
Instructions: You need to create a game for Perek Daled in Chumash . The game can be a board game, matching, Jeopardy, I Have Who Has, or one you make up.
Each game must include: 7-10 shorashim and translations
7-10 basic questions
7-10 questions on Rashi
Grading: Each section is worth 30 points = 90 points
There will be 10 points given for neatness
Project is Due Tuesday December 21
There will be very little if any class time given to work on this project
Please return a signed copy by Friday December 17
_____________ ____________________
Parent Signature Student Signature