Today the entire class had the opportunity to Skype with a fifth grade class in Stony Plain Alberta about Chanukah. I am connected to the Principal of the school in Stony Plain through my association with Connected Principals, an online community of administrators, and he arranged for this Skype session with one of his teachers. The teacher sent me questions in advance which I went over with the class and we divided up the class so that each student would answer at least one question.
Both classes had fun and learned a lot from the experience and my hope is that we could do it again with other areas of the curriculum.
What was really special to me was the way our students answered the questions and became the teachers. Mrs. Wittlin commented to me afterwards, "How often do our kids get a chance to be the experts1" I believe she hit the nail on the head. We are told one of the highest forms of learning is to be able to teach others and for many that doesn't happen until they are older but our fifth grade students today had the opportunity to take what they have learned about Chanukah and were able teach others.
They did a great Job.
Kol Hakavod Kitah Hay
Wishing everyone a good shabbos
Rabbi Greenblatt
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