Tuesday, February 1, 2011

21St Century Skills In Action

We often talk about having the students involved in the learning process and developing skills that they need for life. The last two days that is exactly what we did in our Chumash class. Yesterday before we started the Plague of Blood, I asked the students to come up with questions based on their prior knowledge and by reading the pesukim. As a class we came up with almost 15 questions. Last night I boiled down the questions to six main questions on the topic. Today the class was divided into three groups; each group had to answer two of the questions. I gave them some material and resources to help them answer the questions but not only did they have to answer the question but they had to then teach what they learned to the class. At the very end I asked the class to fill out exit cards with 3-5 facts that they learned from the two other groups.

This activity focused on questioning, analyzing, collaborating, and communicating just to name a few of the skills that the students used.
The students not only did the learning but they did the teaching as well.

Another Great Job by the Fifth Grade!!
Rabbi Greenblatt

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